~*ThiS is d re@L ReaL reAL neW beGinniNg*~
Monday, June 2, 2008 |7:32 PM
~*ThiS is d re@L ReaL reAL neW beGinniNg*~
*2 more days will be my AM last day. This is the real real new beginning of my life at work. There's no one to look up to for advice anymore.
My GM called the whole prepaid team (3 person's including my AM) to announce that there'll be a new SM will be coming in end of the month to lead the team. We need to prepare the necessary to brief her on what each of us will be doing. Well...left me and another coll, she will be handling acquisition and promotion. While I will be doing top-up, usage and retention...
I pray that HE will gives me more wisdom and smarter brain to think what to be done and secure my own position at work. There will be no one infront of us guiding and leaving us anymore.
It's a new beginning and higher responsibilty. Can I go through it? 3 more months to end my probation. GOD, guide me through and lead me through. I need to know every single thing in 6 months time and be an expert by then...*